Tricia Fugelstad spent more than 30 years at Dryden Elementary School in Arlington Heights, as an award winning art teacher known for integrating technology into her art lessons. She has been recognized by the National Art Education Association, the Illinois Art Education Association, Golden Apple and PBS, to name just a few.

Now, she is bringing that same passion and innovation to her writing, creating children’s stories that literally come to life with augmented reality.

Today, on National Robot Day, Fugelstad and her publisher are unveiling her new book: PETER O’METER, with a livestreamed read-along and draw-along. Register here:

The book takes young readers on an exciting journey alongside a loveable robot named Peter, who learns to navigate his emotions with the help of readers.

“For the past year I’ve been writing, illustrating and animating this story,” Fugelstad says, “with the hope it will come to life and move an audience of young readers with its engaging and innovative content.”

Mostly, Fugelstad hopes to foster emotional intelligence in young readers through augmented reality, as they interact with the book. Children will accompany Peter to his Tinkertron School, where they meet his robot classmates and his robotics teacher, Anita Tuneup, but here’s where it gets interesting.

Author Tricia Fugelstad

Peter possesses an eMotions panel that allows him to experience emotions just like humans. But it is the readers who are asked which buttons to push on his eMotions panel, with each situation he faces.

By using the Quiver app, readers can:

  • interact with a 3D PETER
  • navigate his emotions
  • make decisions
  • and communicate their advice.

Check out Fugelstad’s ability to blend art concepts with the latest technology. Copies of PETER O’METER can be obtained on Fuglestad’s website, FugelFun, or on Amazon.

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